urban Decay UD Jean-Michel Basquiat. I’m wearing the Gold Griot Eye palette on my lids, Gallery blush palette on my cheeks as well as exhibition Lipstick on my lips.
If you’ve ever been stuck in a makeup rut, I’m telling you, the new urban Decay UD Jean-Michel Basquiat collection will kick you outta that funk like that. *snaps*
“Art as makeup. makeup as art.”
That’s the tagline for the collection, which is offered now (sort of, however more on that in a minute). as well as the collection is a work of art. I think it’s incredible. This is some of the best — the best — makeup urban Decay has ever done. Like, every single thing in this collection makes me want to paint my face in a myriad of different ways.
But let me back up juuust a bit…
Urban Decay Gold Griot Eyeshadow Palette
Urban Decay UD Jean-Michel Basquiat: already getting difficult to find, however it IS still available
Sadly, urban Decay UD Jean-Michel Basquiat is restricted edition, as well as folks are losing their minds over it! — so the items are already getting difficult to to discover on the UD website. A great deal of the pieces are sold out, however you can still discover most of them (for now) online at Ulta, Sephora, Macy’s as well as Nordstrom.
If you ever shop Macy’s, they’re running a 10% off promotion on urban Decay products online using code “FRIEND” (I’m not sure exactly how long it will last, though).
Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??
$ 42.
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Urban Decay Tenant Eyeshadow Palette
What’s really in the release?
There are two eyeshadow palettes (Gold Griot as well as Tentant, which are $39 each), a blush palette (Gallery blush palette $34), three lipsticks (Exhibition, Abstract as well as Epigram, $17 each) three eyeliners (Anatomy, vivid as well as post Punk, $17 each), three makeup bags ($18-35 each) as well as a $165 LE situation called a vault that comes with whatever (appears to be sold out, unfortunately).
Urban Decay Gallery blush Palette
Lipsticks from the left: Abstract, Epigram as well as Exhibition
UD 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils from the left in Vivid, Anatomy as well as post Punk
Who was Jean-Michel Basquiat?
I recognized the name before I’d started looking into this collection, however I didn’t understand much at all about him or his art. He’s deceased now. He was an artist from new York best known for his graffiti as well as his use of mixed media as well as color. Wende Zomnir, the chief innovative officer as well as co-founder of urban Decay, is as well as has been a big fan for years.
Urban Decay Gold Griot Eyeshadow Palette
Talk about bad-@ss paintings/palettes
Urban Decay collaborated with the Basquiat estate on the products as well as got permission to use his name as well as artwork on the palettes, which look like works of art irrespective of the actual makeup in them!
Tenant Eyeshadow Palette
Urban Decay Gallery blush Palette
The packaging even feels like an art canvas, as well as that’s actual Basquiat artwork on them, both inside as well as out. Oh, as well as UD even added mounting holes to them on the back so you can hang them on your walls if you’d like.
That’s just neat, isn’t it?
This is high-end makeup
The coolness element as well as interest to detail are incredible, however they wouldn’t mean much without great makeup.
Åh! as well as about that? Oh, my gawd! I can’t think of anything I’ve ever seen from urban Decay that has impressed me this much. Yeah, I mean, they’ve done epic things many times before, like the naked palettes, for sure, however this is next-level sh*t.
I used the neutral-heavy Gold Griot palette a few times between last Friday as well as last weekend, as well as every time I touched it, I thought, “What IS this? Am I using Dolce & Gabbana?”
It’s that caliber quality. quickly up there with Dolce, Armani as well as Chanel.
Same with the blush palette, Tenant eyeshadow palette as well as the lipsticks. Satin sheets feel like sandpaper next to the softness of these microscopic grains of powder, as well as butter feels like trail mix next to the smoothness of these lipsticks.
Urban Decay Gold Griot Eyeshadow Palette
Tenant Eyeshadow Palette
Running my brush across the eyeshadows barely kicks up any type of dust, as well as fallout? Seriously, what’s that?!? I’ve barely noticed any type of (very little for urban Decay). as well as the blending? simple as 1-2-3.
The powders as well as blushes are likewise potently pigmented.
Even the lipsticks! You only need one swipe to totally cover your lips with long-lasting, beautiful color, as well as they aren’t a bit drying.
Urban Decay Gallery blush Palette
Oh, as well as did I mention that the eye, cheek as well as lip colors go together like hummus as well as pita chips? You might do an infinite number of looks with this collection.
That said, the eyeliners are toucHy.
Det er det eneste. Alligevel elsker jeg anatomi, den rødbrune eyeliner, som er som en redderversion af Mac Costa Riche, men jeg er ikke for skør om Neon Eco-Friendly Post Punk samt Blue Levende, i det mindste, når jeg bærer dem på deres egen. De har brug for lidt finagling, som ved at sætte dem oven på en hvid base for at hjælpe dem med at være alt, hvad de kan være.
Jeg tror, at de måske blandes med mine undertoner, såvel som det får dem til at se lidt funky, men de viser deres sande smukke farver på toppen af en hvid base.
Fra toppen: Urban Decay Lipsticks i udstilling, abstrakt såvel som epigram; UD 24/7 Glide-on øjenblyanter i levende, post punk samt anatomi
Jeg har på Gold Griot Eye Palette på mine låg, Galleri Blush Palette på mine kinder samt udstilling læbestift på mine læber
Urban Decay Abstrakt læbestift
Urban DecayPigram læbestift
Iført lejeren Eyeshadow Palette såvel som Glide-on øjenblyanter i levende såvel som post punk på mine øjne, galleriet rødme palette på mine kinder samt abstrakte læbestift på mine læber
Dette er en af de samlinger, jeg skal huske for evigt. Jeg forstår det. Det er episk, ikke kun med hensyn til kvalitet, men i form af præcis, hvordan farverne arbejder sammen, emballagen, alt.
Jeg tager det et skridt videre. Jeg synes, det er UD’s bedste samling nogensinde. Hvis du springer over det, kan du græde glitrende tårer, da dette er en af de samlinger, der lever op til hype.
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