urban Decay summer 2015: new Eyeshadow shades ($18 each)
Well, now I know what to wear in the unlikely event that Charli XCX invites me to be a backup dancer in one of her videos. This: the new urban Decay summer 2015 Eyeshadow shades (arriving April 15 at urban Decay counters and online for $18 each).
The “shifts,” as they’re called, have a cool 20-something party girl vibe. It’s very “big hair don’t care/let’s get drunk on the mini-bar.”
But I’m getting ahead of myself! — so lemme back up a little.
The eight new shades join UD’s existing Eyeshadow permanent line. six of them are “shifts” — duo-chromes that appear to change color in the light, like that holographic thing. The other two are matte browns, about which I have to say, “YAY!” transition colors. Lol! Leave it to me to get all cheerleader-y about the matte browns…
Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??
$ 42.
Shoppe nu
Whatever, I can always use another matte brown. Hand on my heart and hair to the sky, it’s the truth!
The new urban Decay summer 2015 Eyeshadows ($18 each)
Urban Decay summer 2015 Eyeshadows ($18 each)
As the shades are simply additions to UD’s existing line, they have the current formula, so no new bells or whistles here. just new colors.
Starting with the mattes (because that’s how I roll), I like both of them, Riff and Beware, but for different reasons.
Warm orangey Riff looks a lot like texture to me, one of my all-time matte MAC eyeshadow faves. They’re practically sisters from another mister.
If you don’t have MAC Texture, and you do wear a lot of burgundy, plum and reddish purple, then consider Riff if you want a new transition color. Riff will rock as a transition shade with any/all of those colors, buuut, it’s deep, yo. You might want to lay down a lighter warm brown first, or the transition from dark to light could look a little choppy. go in with a layer of your lighter matte color first, then use Riff for depth.
About Beware, the second matte brown, view out!
Kidding. get it? Pas på?
It’s also warm, but much more golden and less orange than Riff, and I like it a lot. like Riff, it’s deep…so I mostly use it as a second color in the crease to deepen a transition. this one looks a lot like a slightly warmer UD buck to me.
Urban Decay’s eyeshadows are known for a few things, like 1) an fantastic selection of colors, 2) an easy-to-blend formula and 3) fallout.
Yeah…these new shades exhibit some fallout, too, and they can get messy because the powders are practically lighter than air. When I run a brush across a pan, the bristles lift up much more than enough shadow.
Urban Decay summer 2015 Collection Eyeshadows: product pictures
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Dive Bar, a medium blue with pinkish purple shift
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Sideline, a gold with green shift
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Fireball, a peach with pink shift
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Lounge, a brick red with green shift
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Backfire, a burgundy with purple shift
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Tonic, a lilac with blue shift
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Beware, a matte warm brown
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Riff, a matte brown-nude with micro-sparkle
To make your life easier, tap the heck out of that excess once you load your brush. Really, it makes all the difference in the world. The fallout with these and UD’s other shadows is NOT a deal-breaker. Jeg gentager! — NOT a deal-breaker. As long as you get many of the excess off your brush, you’ll be fine. same with the mattes and the shifts.
The shifts now, like their nickname implies, appear to shift from one color to another, and the shift is pretty dramatic. I like using my fingers to apply them, because it’s easy to get a lot of product packed on there quickly, and it saves from having to wash another brush.
So much lazy.
My faves are Dive Bar and Lounge (a blue and a green) because I like how they look with my brown eyes.
Think of the shifts as statement jewelry makeup. maybe one, two on the lids, max. much more than that, and things could get a little distracting.
I’m wearing Dive Bar on my lids today, and when I turn my head left and best and look in the mirror, I can really see the color change.
It’s very eye-catching, but not exactly something I’ll wear all the time, all over my lids, at once, you know? I’m much more comfortable wearing one or two shades on my lids or along my lash lines with some yummy matte neutrals in the crease. That way I still get a little color, without the shadows taking over.
And these will take over! just for the heck of it, I threw a bunch of these on my lids at the same time, and I promise I looked like I’d just boarded the next train to crazy Town.
Urban Decay summer 2015 Collection Eyeshadow: Swatches (for reference, I’m an NC 42 in MAC)
From the left: Dive Bar, Sideline,Fireball og lounge.
Backfire, Tonic, Pas på og Riff
Iført dykkebar på mine låg, pas på crease og fireball på den indre del af mine låg
Jeg har også bærer urban forfald efterglød rødme i quickie på mine kinder og revolution lipgloss i savage på mine læber
Wear Time virker bedst i tråd med UD’s eksisterende farver og rekvisitter til det. Jeg har brugt disse med de nyligt ompakket primere, og de vil nemt holde mig otte timer.
Endelig emballagen. Ligesom Urban Decay’s andre skygge singler kan disse poppes ud af deres tilfælde, og dukkede ind i urbane forfaldspaletter, men jeg har altid spekuleret på … Er nogen nogensinde faktisk det? Fordi jeg aldrig har det. Jeg engang bare ender med at sætte de få skygger, jeg har brug for i en taske sammen med den nøgne palette, lol!
Selvom jeg har set nogle af disse farver på andre tællere, før jeg kan lide, at UD inkluderede hjælpsomme hverdagsgrupper, sammen med de sjove fest nuancer. Prøv at se nærmere på pas på Pas på og lounge, når disse kommer ud 15. april. Det er stående ud for mig.
Portræt af Adele Bloch-Bauer I af Gustav Klimt gennem Wikipedia
Jeg så en stor film i aftes kaldet kvinde i guld, hovedrollen Helen Mirren og Ryan Reynolds. Det handler om kunststyveri, anden verdenskrig, retfærdighed, østrigsk politik, public relations, national stolthed, juridiske kampe og et velkendt Gustav Klimt-maleri (kvinde i guld).
Historien starter i 1930’erne Østrig (jeg tror), når en rig jødisk familie provision Klimt til at lave et portræt for dem, som nazisterne, som de ruller over hele Europa, stjæle.
En af familiemedlemmerne, karakteren af Maria Altmann (spillet af Helen Mirren), klarer at undslippe Østrig, da nazisterne strammer deres greb og flyver til Amerika. Efter krigen hævdes de stjålne malerier af den østrigske regering.
Et halvt århundrede senere forsøger Maria at få malerierne tilbage (der var en række af dem stjålet under krigen), men Drama følger (filmen også stjerner Ryan Reynolds som Maria’s advokat / familie ven).
Anyways, det er godt! Noget at se, om du ikke føler dig for hurtigt, eller for rasende.
Din venlige kvarter Charm Addict,